Sunday, May 9, 2010

the end :)

I always got frustrated because my pieces were often misinterpreted or read differently than I had intended, but I'm glad that I was FINALLY able to create something that could be read in a number of different ways, but still work. I'm proud that I made something that had a little something in it for everyone else :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

i am

:) go have some fun

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

INSANE floor

I have always been fascinated with psychology, and the first thing I thought of when I picked the word 'insane' was mentally insane. The idea to sort of recreate a cranial lobotomy came to me after I collected my found objects, (the green table and the bust) and grew as I began to construct the piece. But I was happy with what the idea grew into- a representation of inner insanity (the black mess oozing from the bust) versus the insanity of this controversial procedure. The setting I created was a general emulation of early 20th century psychiatric hospitals, where they often conducted experiments on patients in poor conditions. When displayed for the crit, I had a clamp light hanging over the table, trying to represent that it was a surgical procedure.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Surface Research and Destroy- 'Signs'

This was a very experimental project for me. After choosing to incorporate photography in to this project, I decided to kind of elaborate on the idea from my last project- by collaging photos together in an interesting way, theoretically creating a whole new piece. I also decided to use photographs that I had taken of graffiti signs/messages (again, elaborating on my last project) to try and give my pieces a meaning or subject, as well as an attempt at creating unity, so all seven could also be seen as a whole piece.
As stated earlier, this piece was very experimental, and I tried a lot of things (as far as composition, teqnique, etc) that I wasn't entirely sure about. Some things worked, and some didn't; a common result of experimentation. Some pieces are definitely more dynamic than others, and I can't say that I'm happy with all of them, but I am pleased that I was able to create something interesting with photographs that I had never thought of using for anything else. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Project 4

Intended major- Photography
Comfortable with- Collaging
Never used- India Ink

I really enjoyed this project. I greatly appreciated I was able to make something that was more in my own comfort zone, rather than feeling anxious about a painting or drawing. I'm glad that I decided to use all of my own pictures, instead of mixing my work with magazine photos like I had originally planned. Although many people didn't understand the 'meaning' behind this piece, I feel quite satisfied with it. I feel like there doesn't always have to be a specific 'meaning' behind a piece to make it interesting, and I think my use of the gesturing hands and words really make the piece speak for itself. I guess with pieces like this it's all about one's personal preference :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Project 3- Final Painting

I received a lot of good criticism for this piece. I definitely agree that perspective is something that I need to work on, and I would like to add more detail to the figures in future.
I tried to be clever and include some symbolism into the piece, and I thought it was kind of funny that everyone thought the male figure was Abe Lincoln.
Male figure- supposed to symbolize chivalry, and how it isn't appreciated like it once was-hence the melting. :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Project 3- practice paintings

Using colors from my image of inspiration, I really tried to experiment with using different techniques as I practiced for when I would begin painting my final piece.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Project 3-practice tessellations

I'm not certain about which one i'm going to end up choosing for my final project, but hopefully one of these will provide a composition that is pleasing to one's eye.

Project Three-part one

Practice Compositions
for tessellations

Friday, February 5, 2010

Project Two

I will definitely rework the upper left corner, and clean up my lines/white spaces. I appreciate all of the feedback I recieved during this critique, and as someone new to the medium of painting, I was fairly satisfied with this piece. I look forward to developing some skill in this medium as the semester continues.

Project One

During the critique, I received a lot of helpful criticism. I realize that I did not have a very enthralling composition, and I also see how my negative space can be considered problematic, especially with the contour-like likes of the outermost figure. I appreciate the feedback, and I think that I have a greater chance of success in future works because of the crit. I don't think there's any hope in fixing this one, but I suppose I will give myself credit for the valiant attempt.